Monday, October 20, 2008

Five points of living

God is formless and Manifests himself in any form.

Belief in: AHAM BRAHMA ASMI (I am Brahma). God is omnipresent / Universal / Ubiquitous. The God you are searching for resides within yourself.

The second is the Prayer/ Pooja/ Salat/Munz (ritual) prayer which must be performed One / two / three / five times a day ( as appropriate and suitable to your health). The purpose of Salat/Pooja/ Prayer is primarily to act as an individual's communication with God. It enables one to stand in front of God, thank/ praise him, and ask for him to show one the "right path". In addition, the daily ritual prayers serve as a constant reminder that we should be grateful for God's blessings. Regular prayer helps cleansing your inner self and diverting the energy level of human being to “higher self”, which is silence, peace, harmony, unity, and respect to fellow human beings….

Zakat / Daan / Charity / Donation / Alms: All human beings, who can afford, should give charity to the needy ones and must perform Zakat, Daan Charity, Donation on time to time. The habit of donation develops honesty, positive attitude, loyalty, dedication towards the God who is the creator of this universe. Zakat, Daan Charity, Donation - is important aspect of the Life of a Human being which provides him inner satisfaction. The virtue of giving away Zakat, Daan (Hinduism term) / Charity lies in the fact that you give away unhesitatingly and without anticipation. One should usually perform the charitable deeds, at least monthly, if not daily. Alms or almsgiving exists in a number of religions. In all religions alms are given as to help / benefit the needy / poors. In Buddhism, alms are given by lay people to monks and nuns to nurture laic virtue, merit and blessings and to ensure monastic continuity.

Fasting: All the religions have articulated clear belief in fasting and should be treated regularly as a part of a life. The rationale behind abstention or fasting, is mainly twofold. Firstly, as a form of meditation or manifestation of yogic power, fasting strengthens the mind, body and soul. It also helps to build up self-control and discipline. Secondly, from the Ayurvedic view-point, fasting within a set of rules, keeps a person healthy and disease-free. Most of the religion regards fasting as a means to achieve and practice self-control. The Buddha advised monks not to eat solids after noon. To this day, people who observe the Eight Precepts (Ashtanayak) on full moon days also observe a fast and do not eat after noon.

The fifth is visiting to spiritual places Temples/ Churches/Mosque/ monastery / Haj. Pilgrimage be performed as per the individual faiths / beliefs.