Nobody in this world has died because of LESS and balanced eating habits. However most of the people are in trouble because of over eating/ having more of Junk food in your daily routine. All you need to do is to adopt a balanced life style and try some of the following tips.
1- Adopt light breathing exercise
2- Drink more water (not the carbonated one). At least 5-6 litres a day
3- If your belly size is bigger then your chest size, completely avoid red meat, coffee, iced drinks, fried stuff, cheese, butter AND everything in JUNK FOOD category
4- Maximum usage of green vegetables in your daily routine.
5- Try "Kapalbhati Yoga Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss ( Specially for belly region) for 45 days regularly for 30-45 min, this should be done early morning, preferably empty stomach. Please check the following video:
To know more about Pranayam, visit Know Yoga.
6- Also try "Anulom Vilom Pranayam" along with all the above tips