Saturday, August 2, 2008

Om - Mantra

The Vedas are mantric teachings. They consist of various mantric chants or hymns cognized by different Munis or Rishis from the Cosmic Mind. They set forth Dharma or natural law, which is mantra in manifestation."

There are mantras that accomplish many kinds of wondrous deeds simply by correctly chanting them. Other mantras help purify one's consciousness, give spiritual enlightenment, and put one in touch with the Supreme. "OM" is considered to be the sound incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Lord. The Narada-pancaratra states: "When the transcendental sound vibration is practiced by a conditioned soul, the Supreme Lord is present on his tongue." The Atharva-veda and the Mandukya Upanishad both mention the importance of OM. OM is said to be the beginning, middle, and end, and is eternal, beyond all material restrictions. OM represents the wholeness of the universe and the eternal vibratory sound of Lord BRAMHA (the creator of univers) that permeates it. OM is called shabda-brahman, the sound-form of Lord BRAHMA.

Aum is the supreme symbol of God. Aum is the whole. Aum affirms. Aum is the sound which expresses all truth.

The priest begins worship with Aum. Spiritual teachers begin their lessons with Aum; and their disciples open themselves to those lessons with Aum.

Those in whom Aum resides are unified with God.
Taittiriya Upanishad 1:8

How Yoga works as a Therapy

Yoga practice consists of five key elements:
Deep Breathing, Exercise, Relaxation, Diet and Meditation. The exercises or ‘Asanas’ are designed to ease the tensed muscles, tone up internal organs, and improve the flexibility of body’s joints and ligaments.

Deep Breathing : Since most of us use only a fraction of our breathing capacity, it is necessary to use our breathing capacity thru’ nasal techniques to cleanse the lungs of stale air, unlock energy & vitality and eliminate toxins from the body.

Exercise : Proper exercise or Yoga ‘asanas’ not only increase the flexibility and strength of the body, but also keep each and every part of the body in perfect health and harmony. Regular exercise leads to a healthy body & healthy mind, and perfect equilibrium between the two.

Relaxation : Proper relaxation results in release of tension and keeps the mind and body healthy. It is necessary to begin and end each session of Yoga exercises with relaxation, and also relax between postures, in order to allow released energy to flow freely and to expel waste products from the muscles.

Diet : The recommended diet for a person during Yoga is simple wholesome natural vegetarian food, easily digestible. This keeps the body vital and healthy, the mind calm and free from restless thoughts. Processed or tinned food should be avoided.

Meditation : Meditation is a state of consciousness, in which the overactive mind is calm, and all mental energy is focused and turned inwards. This recharges the batteries by relieving stress and replenishing energy.Meditation increases physical stamina and spiritual strength, improves the power of concentration, helps you to think more clearly and positively, hence creating a great sense of inner power.

Keep It Simple And You'll Be Happy

How many gadgets modern technology has blessed us with! Yet, they only seem to add to the stress and tension of our lives. Many a time you must have seen young men and women walk down parks and green lanes with earphones completely shutting out the world of beauty around them. Keep it Sipmle! That is the mantra which can help you reduce stress and unncessary tension, which some time we create by ourself. Possessions and acquistions may seem marvellous. But after a while , you do not own them, they own you.

When our life becomes complicated with power and possessions, we move farther and farther away from the simple joys and pleasures of life.... We fail to notice the green grass and the fresh morning flowers. We don't have time even to enjoy with our family, hear birds singing and watch our little and old ones similing. Getting things may give you momentary happiness. But not being able to get them often makes you miserable. We should try to be simple sincere soul.