Monday, May 10, 2010

View of Today

Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many........

Love and Devotion

What is the difference between love and devotion?
Love without devotion is not actually love, it's only a mutual benefit model. When you truly love someone, you will naturally be devoted. Love is from mind whereas Devotion is from heart. Mind always looks for self benefits whereas Soul is beyond logic and the mathematical models of calculations. Love has conditions attached to it. Only if your expectations are fulfilled, your love will continue, else it will end. Devotion is not like that. It's unconditional.

Love and Devotion, however, are "not" two different things, but people still tend to see them as being different because one is meant to attain sprituality while the other is expected to fulfill one's daily need. A devotee is never thinking in terms of his own well being.

One who is devoted to his work, will always be higher in success than a person who simply loves.

Be devoted then simply loving.

Monday, April 19, 2010


There must be some enzyme in our brain, which gets activated when we attain power. The best usage of power is to help the needy. If someone uses his power to disrupt the structure, the system disrupts him faster. It's a fact, "If you want to test a person, give him Power". Implementing power in a positive way becomes constructive, while using power to it's own favor turns to be self centric and harmful for the society and the organization. When you attain power don't get submersed into it, one need to be on the top of it for better results.

As per mythology, the best examples of a power usage are by Lord Rama, Krishna, Shankaracharya, The Popes etc...and on the negative side the Ravana, Kansa, Duryodhana, Kakeyi, Shakuni, Hitler, Musolini, etc....

If you attain Power, use it to build society, use it to build the organization and use it into building your Character. Don't let your mind corrupt. Organizations and society will be benefitted out of your behavior with the positive blend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Top Reason People Divorce

India was known as a country with least divorce rate. It’s increasing day by day and multiple reasons and parameters are influencing. Once the bedroom arguments go out in public, based on my counseling experience, couples have very rare chances to settle. Counseling may be of help to a certain extent but the confidence level / willingness of partners should be high. It’s better to plan for mutual settlement rather than going in depression, paying on frequent court room visits and facing unnecessary pains. One should listen to soul.....try to settle down. Never be swayed away by your advisors. Most of the time external advices takes you to a longer path. Keep your EGO aside, this is the key element of all the problems. One should be mature enough to understand that God has given youthis life to live, pray, worship, enjoy.... not to fight on petty issues and keep wasting the precious moments of this birth. TALK WITH OPEN MIND AND HEART YOU WILL GET THE SOLUTION. Never try to harm each other.

The top reasons for divorce:
Poor communication between couple and two families/ friends ( if involved in marriage)
Change in priorities. This can be caused by having kids or due to ones job, career oriented mind set.

Lack of commitment to the married life
Taking each other for granted
Failed expectations of your spouse/ Family
Sexual issues
Extra marital relations
Influence / involvement of wife’s parents and family
Other reasons that come up frequently, but not as frequently are:
Physical, emotional or sexual abuse
Importance to money
Over work

Monday, February 15, 2010

Have you seen God?

Most of the people will agree to the fact, that very rarely anybody,will come forward and say that he has seen God. But, if you ask anybody about his experience of life most of the people will say that they have experienced some miracles.....(Sit down in silence, relax your mind, try to slow down your thoughts and start rewinding your life's major incidences. Let your logical mind ask question to your heart/soul/Atma and you will get the answer)..and in lay man's language we say such miracles have happened due to the blessings of God. One need to have fine observation to experience and observe such miracles. These miracles happens in everyone' life and it happens on daily accept such happenings you need to keep your logical mind / ego aside and you beilve on what I am saying......
Some of my colleagues aruge about Sceince & Technology above the Nature / God. I tell them in very simple language, understanding of Nature / God starts from the point where Science & Technology stops thinking. To make you understand...let me give you an example.

Science and Technology is still way behind to understand what is that which is keeping a person alive......yes, I know you will say it's breath or Oxygen. Then let me ask you, when a person dies...why can't anybody ( Science & Technology) design an Oxygen Pump and agian pump the same Oxygen which has come out of the human body and make him alive. ....

Looking forward to receive your comments.

Om Namah Siva

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If You Have....

If You have Charity and Wisdom, there is neither Fear nor Ignorance.
If You have Patience and Humility, there is neither Anger nor Aggravation.
If You have Devotion and Faith, there is neither Temptation nor Worry.
Be Simple you will sleep comfortably and have no enemy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Be perfectly resigned, perfectly unconcerned, no self interest then alone can you do any honest and true work for the soceity. We can not see any real forces from our naked eyes, we can only see the results: Good or Bad. Just let the God work for you, he will do it for your betterment. You have all that you can do and nothing is happening. You have done all that is humanly possible. Then what else can you do?In sheer helplessness one drop all search. And the day the search stopped, the day you leave seeking for something, it started happening. A new energy arose- out of universe and you will find yourself contended, satisfied, spritually intoxicated and relaxed.