Sunday, September 28, 2008
Intuitive Mind
If anything is ok from your intuitive mind perspective go ahead and do as your rational mind has already acknowledged the intuitive mind. Many a time rational mind tries to overrule intuitive mind and later you realize the adversity you undergo
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Think on the following
- Most of the time an "Emotional Hero" is picked up to accomplish a tough job which is hard to be accomplished by a "Political Leader", of course the salute goes to the leader.
- In the end all religion point to the same light. In between the light and us, sometime there are too many rules.
- Most of the things a so called human beings does in his daily routine is very similar to an animal, try out some thing different which an animal does not do. Your soul will sum it up before you go to bed.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Scientific Classification of Indefinable truth
In the beginning the universe was full of water. In water there emerged a huge oval shaped water-bubble. This oval shape is also termed as Brahmanda. Brahmanda consist of mountains, land, and the oceans, Sun, Moon, Stars, and the Seas. On all sides, the egg was surrounded by water, fire, wind, the sky and the various other elements. Inside the egg, Vishnu adopted the form of Brahma and proceeded to create the universe. When the universe is to be destroyed, it is Vishnu again who adopts the form of Shiva and performs the act of destruction. Yugas (Eras) are dived into four phases.
The Hindu texts say the four yugas equal 4,320,000 years, or a mahayuga. 1,000 mahayugas or 4.32 billion years equal one Kalpa. The traditional timescale of the yugas is as follows:
Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga - 1,728,000 years
Treta Yuga - 1,296,000 years
Dvapara Yuga - 864,000 years
Kali Yuga - 432,000 years
When all the four eras have passed one thousand times each, that is merely one day for Brahma. Take out your calculator to do the elementary arithmetic (kidding). So how many human years are equal to one of Brahma’s days? Ten thousand times one thousand. That is, ten million years. During each of Brahma’s days, the sages the gods and the kings are destroyed and recreated fourteen times. Each of these cycles is called a “Manvantara”. But at the end of Brahma’s day, there comes the final destruction. The existence of the world comes to end also termed as doomsday in other scriptures. Brahma sleeps throughout his night, for ten million human years. Thereafter, there is creation of universe once again. It’s brain teasing….I know you will apply your brain / logic and fall in the pit, in which we all are falling from several lives. We are keenly awaiting results from big bang experiment in Geneva....which speaks in details about the various facets and key reasons behind creating life and many such unanswered questions.
Worrying / Happiness Elements within Human body
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Faiths and believe
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
If you suffer, it is not because things are impermanent. It is because we start believing things are permanent. When a candle breaks, we do not suffer much, when an expensive watch breaks, we also don’t suffer so much. When someone close to your heart leaves, you suffer a lot, because at some corner, you must have positioned him / her as permanent to yourself. The key issue is you can cannot accept the impermanence of your beloved one, and you suffer deeply when she/ he passes away.
With impermanence, every door is open for change. Impermanence is an instrument for our liberation. Lord Krishna says “Braham Satyam Jagat Mithya” (Lord is true and this materialistic world is false)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
No hard feelings
No Hard Feelings
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Key Tips to loose your Belly Fat
1- Adopt light breathing exercise
2- Drink more water (not the carbonated one). At least 5-6 litres a day
3- If your belly size is bigger then your chest size, completely avoid red meat, coffee, iced drinks, fried stuff, cheese, butter AND everything in JUNK FOOD category
4- Maximum usage of green vegetables in your daily routine.
5- Try "Kapalbhati Yoga Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss ( Specially for belly region) for 45 days regularly for 30-45 min, this should be done early morning, preferably empty stomach. Please check the following video:
To know more about Pranayam, visit Know Yoga.
6- Also try "Anulom Vilom Pranayam" along with all the above tips
Friday, September 12, 2008
Role of Tongue
Think through on the above, most of your problems, you will see are created due to the misuse of one or other or both.
Take Care..
Spritual message
Just a thought to reader about the spiritual value of Musical harmony – Musical harmony is a most powerful conceiver. It allures the celestial influences and changes affections, intentions, gestures, notions, thoughts and dispositions. You must have read scientific research done on fish, in lake and study found that they are also delighted with musical sound, music has caused love, friendship between animals and men, amphibians and man, nature and man also. Melodious voice tame the dangerous animals like elephants, lions, snake etc…all the element themselves delight in music then why not we human beings…
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thought of the day - 11 September 2008
- Treat any religious place like a workshop, you need to for sure go there, time to time, to fix to worldly automobile for various repairs such as wheel alignments, changing oil, coloring, denting painting etc.....once you are out of Workshop ( Religious place) you will for sure find a change in performance. Mind it never stay in workshop for long.....go and come back.
- The ancient scholars /researchers studied for their own improvement. Modern researchers study to do business.
- Whatever you do, think, analyse and see, if you are not hurting anybody, go ahead and do will not repent and this will be booked in your best actions of life.
Recitation of Mantras
Simply try reciting " Om" with deep breath generated from lower of your tummy / stomach ( Mooladhar) and taking the sound up towards top of head ( Bhramrandh) and release the breath Slowly. The Name of God is Om, says Patanjali. It's is true 'Om', does not mean any kind of Hindu concept or any type of sectarian tradition. "Om / Omkar" is called, the universal substratum or the greatest common factor present in every conceivable thing, anywhere.
It is essential that Mantra meditation is practiced everyday, to fetch the best results. It may be just 15-20 minutes and regularity will help to experience results. It is preferable to set a designated time - in the morning or during dusk / then in the night/ before going to bed. Over time, you will experience the positive effect of the mantra on the subconscious through its unique calming influence in any situation.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Creation of ( Universe)
In the first chapter of Visnu Purana ( One of the Eighteen Mahāpurānas of Indian Scripture The Puranas (Sanskrit: पुराण purāna, "of ancient times" In all there are 23,000 verses in Visnu Purana), Sutji asked Saint Parashar rishi, I would like to hear about the formation / creation of this universe and also how the universe will be further created. And the most important question which Sutji asked Saint Parashar, what was the key reason of creation of this universe? Who is responsible for creation of this movable (Change is constant) universe? What is the origin of this universes and where this will lead to? Apart from this evidence of Soul, Ocean, Mountains and origin of eternal God and basis of Generations /branches of eternal of God and how all the above is created. Centuries ago, the above set of small but very complex and compounded questions were asked by Indian saints to there Guru’s. The above set of questions can be termed as simple philosophical questions based out of curiosity and the other view is that all the above questions are part of applied / quantum Physics. I am pleased to know that science / technology is today trying to solve age’s old questions which are theoretically already answered in Indian scriptures. Scientists have made the case for at least the very first elementary life coming to Earth from outer space, probably arriving frozen solid inside a meteor…we need to watch the results of big bang exercise being performed in Geneva.
“Definition of Puranas usually gives prominence to a particular deity and most use an abundance of religious and philosophical concepts”
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Experience Nature
If one learns to appreciate nature, the world will be a much better palce to live in. Becasue through such appreciation, destructive tendencies will be overcome. Alldifference will vanish away.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
This is easier said then done (practised). But if someone starts practising the above from very beginning, one can attain some level of maturity and be away from involving himself to the core of attachment (Maya) and be really Intelligent (pious) soul.
Atleast developing this habit will give you a high degree of mental and emotional peace, if not Nirvana.
Ego ( Abhiman)
From Kabir Script ( Philosophical view)
- Tattvarthasutra 7.11
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Inner cleansing
-Acarangasutra 5.5
An old Indian saying by Great Poet and Saint "Tulsidas" .....Daya ( Kindness) Dhrama ko mool hai. Paap Mool Abhiman.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Worship Ganapti
Rig Veda 2.23.1 ( An invocation to Lord Ganapati)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Your thoughts cause your feelings. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that brings about bad feelings means you are not on the right track. Both the feelings are equally good or bad. If good feelings emits positive energy so bad feelings transmit negative energy.
So focus on being grateful for what you have already...enjoy it!!