Friday, December 26, 2008

Friends Vs Enemies

A true friend will always help you overcome during your tough times. A friend is needed in the hard days not during the times, when you don't need anyone. A true friend is an advisor, honest critic, a person who will guide you based on his experience or best knowledge. A friend who is silent, when you really need advice, is of no use. One should leave him, sooner the better.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)


Try to invest your time in a constructive way, so that you could lead a better life.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Whatever is happening across the globe on the name of JIHAD is really saddening. This is an act of cowards and in the court of God this will be treated as nothing less then murder of innocent lives. Act of terrorism of this types are harmful to the whole world and are a challenge to humanity.

The goal of true jihad is to attain a harmony between Islam (submission), iman(faith), and ihsan (righteous living). Under the sway of strong impulse, the man who is devoid of self control wilfully commits deeds that he knows to be fraught with future misery.

My sympathies and condolences go out to all those who have suffered, been injured, and those who have lost their loved ones in this terrible act of hatred and destruction. It is important that we do not allow divisive forces to weaken us ( as global peaceful world). We need to overcome these forces as one strong unified world, a truly global village.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Whatever takes form is false. Only the formless endures. When you understand the Truth of this teaching, You will not be born again. For God is infinite, within the body and without, Like a mirror, And the image in a mirror.
As the air is everywhere, Flowing around a pot and filling it, So God is everywhere, Filling all things and Flowing through them forever
------Ashtavakra Gota 1: 18-20

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Power of Mind

All what we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.


We turn to God fo help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Five points of living

God is formless and Manifests himself in any form.

Belief in: AHAM BRAHMA ASMI (I am Brahma). God is omnipresent / Universal / Ubiquitous. The God you are searching for resides within yourself.

The second is the Prayer/ Pooja/ Salat/Munz (ritual) prayer which must be performed One / two / three / five times a day ( as appropriate and suitable to your health). The purpose of Salat/Pooja/ Prayer is primarily to act as an individual's communication with God. It enables one to stand in front of God, thank/ praise him, and ask for him to show one the "right path". In addition, the daily ritual prayers serve as a constant reminder that we should be grateful for God's blessings. Regular prayer helps cleansing your inner self and diverting the energy level of human being to “higher self”, which is silence, peace, harmony, unity, and respect to fellow human beings….

Zakat / Daan / Charity / Donation / Alms: All human beings, who can afford, should give charity to the needy ones and must perform Zakat, Daan Charity, Donation on time to time. The habit of donation develops honesty, positive attitude, loyalty, dedication towards the God who is the creator of this universe. Zakat, Daan Charity, Donation - is important aspect of the Life of a Human being which provides him inner satisfaction. The virtue of giving away Zakat, Daan (Hinduism term) / Charity lies in the fact that you give away unhesitatingly and without anticipation. One should usually perform the charitable deeds, at least monthly, if not daily. Alms or almsgiving exists in a number of religions. In all religions alms are given as to help / benefit the needy / poors. In Buddhism, alms are given by lay people to monks and nuns to nurture laic virtue, merit and blessings and to ensure monastic continuity.

Fasting: All the religions have articulated clear belief in fasting and should be treated regularly as a part of a life. The rationale behind abstention or fasting, is mainly twofold. Firstly, as a form of meditation or manifestation of yogic power, fasting strengthens the mind, body and soul. It also helps to build up self-control and discipline. Secondly, from the Ayurvedic view-point, fasting within a set of rules, keeps a person healthy and disease-free. Most of the religion regards fasting as a means to achieve and practice self-control. The Buddha advised monks not to eat solids after noon. To this day, people who observe the Eight Precepts (Ashtanayak) on full moon days also observe a fast and do not eat after noon.

The fifth is visiting to spiritual places Temples/ Churches/Mosque/ monastery / Haj. Pilgrimage be performed as per the individual faiths / beliefs.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

How to be away from Stress

To the best of my knowledge and experience, I would like to share with you the secret of keeping away from stress and strains, which are normally self created.

One can be disciplined, free from stress and be happy, if one can prevail over the turmoil that springs from desire, curiosity and anger.


Whoever quenches the fire of desire through the holy word, spontaneously is his illusion of duality banished. Such is he in whose heart the name dwells, by the master's guidance.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Yogic View

You must have experienced a kid asking for toys, game boy, toy planes, puppets he grows his desires moves a level up and demands for an electronic bike, new set of mobile handset, advanced playing system etc....all these desires are limited to his perception, a kid cannot desires what he has not perceived.

Very close to a kid we also desire many such items associated to the materialistic world. In a YOGI view these are also toys and like a kid we keep running after all those desires which our mind perceives.

In true sense our desires are limited to our perception; none can desire what he has not perceived. One need to gather the thoughts, learn to focus, and improve the horizon of perception towards Yogic thoughts.
You will experience your desires converging towards a sensible goal, which is in search of basic questions like who am I , What am I doing? For whom I am worried? Etc…

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


God is omnipresent / Universal / Ubiquitous. The God you are searching for, resides within yourself. When you drop your ego you attain the state of your mind which is free from desires. If your consciousness has, Him, at its center, all manifestation and non-manifestation appear as your own self. Only one existence is perceived. Once you start perceiving, the existence, you are close to the nucleus / energy level/ Parama Braham, which is nothing but God for a Christian, Jewish, Juda, Allâh for Muslim, Bhagwan for Hindu etc...


You must have read hundreds of definition of a “Leader”. Think on the following and would appreciate your views / comments.

There are two types of leaders, one who strengthen his position by strengthening his team. The other categories of leaders strengthen themselves by weakening his team.”

Friday, October 3, 2008

What Love means

'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'

'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'

'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'

'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'

'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'

'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked atall the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.'

'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'

'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'

'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Intuitive Mind

Albert Einstein said....The Intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

If anything is ok from your intuitive mind perspective go ahead and do as your rational mind has already acknowledged the intuitive mind. Many a time rational mind tries to overrule intuitive mind and later you realize the adversity you undergo


If you reject the local food habits, dislike the customs, avoid understanding the religious sentiments and ignore the people, you might better stay at home and watch TV or go for snow boarding....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Think on the following

- It is easy to dodge a spear that comes in front of you but hard to avoid multiple arrow shots from behind.

- Most of the time an "Emotional Hero" is picked up to accomplish a tough job which is hard to be accomplished by a "Political Leader", of course the salute goes to the leader.

- In the end all religion point to the same light. In between the light and us, sometime there are too many rules.

- Most of the things a so called human beings does in his daily routine is very similar to an animal, try out some thing different which an animal does not do. Your soul will sum it up before you go to bed.



Mahatma Gandhi said.....Immature love says : "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: " I need you because I love you."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scientific Classification of Indefinable truth

Science might keep trying to satisfy its unquenchable desire for tangibility but the end point of this attempt will only yield indistinctness. Because the fundamental truth is that the observer in any experiment is an element of it. The greatest quality of maya (material) is that it appears uniform to all. The Vishnu Purana is considered to be the most important of all the eighteen Puranas and is given the name Puranaratna (gem of Puranas). The book starts with detailed stories of creation and introduces the concept of four yugas. The Vishnu Purana has twenty-three thousand shlokas divided into six major sections or amshas.
In the beginning the universe was full of water. In water there emerged a huge oval shaped water-bubble. This oval shape is also termed as Brahmanda. Brahmanda consist of mountains, land, and the oceans, Sun, Moon, Stars, and the Seas. On all sides, the egg was surrounded by water, fire, wind, the sky and the various other elements. Inside the egg, Vishnu adopted the form of Brahma and proceeded to create the universe. When the universe is to be destroyed, it is Vishnu again who adopts the form of Shiva and performs the act of destruction. Yugas (Eras) are dived into four phases.
The Hindu texts say the four yugas equal 4,320,000 years, or a mahayuga. 1,000 mahayugas or 4.32 billion years equal one Kalpa. The traditional timescale of the yugas is as follows:
Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga - 1,728,000 years
Treta Yuga - 1,296,000 years
Dvapara Yuga - 864,000 years
Kali Yuga - 432,000 years

When all the four eras have passed one thousand times each, that is merely one day for Brahma. Take out your calculator to do the elementary arithmetic (kidding). So how many human years are equal to one of Brahma’s days? Ten thousand times one thousand. That is, ten million years. During each of Brahma’s days, the sages the gods and the kings are destroyed and recreated fourteen times. Each of these cycles is called a “Manvantara”. But at the end of Brahma’s day, there comes the final destruction. The existence of the world comes to end also termed as doomsday in other scriptures. Brahma sleeps throughout his night, for ten million human years. Thereafter, there is creation of universe once again. It’s brain teasing….I know you will apply your brain / logic and fall in the pit, in which we all are falling from several lives. We are keenly awaiting results from big bang experiment in Geneva....which speaks in details about the various facets and key reasons behind creating life and many such unanswered questions.

Worrying / Happiness Elements within Human body

Nature has created several unique processes with human body; thought process is one of the most unique processes within human physiology and among most of leaving creatures. The uniquely human thought process called worrying / happiness depend upon having brain that can reason, logic, remember, sense and imagine. Imagination is one of the root causes of worrying / happiness. The crucial chain reaction of worrying/ happiness process starts from imaginations. The actual process starts, once your brain starts building scenarios. Once you create a scenario, associated to the same worrying or happiness fluid flows although. To create worry humans brain elongate fear with anticipation and memory expand it in imagination and fuel it with emotion. And most of the psychosomatic diseases are resultant of the process.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Faiths and believe

All type of faiths, holy books, scriptures, believe, religions, noble thoughts by messenger of God gives a uniform message of hope, faith, and peace – the message is that peace is to be found through trust/ faith in God, loyalty, harmony and justice among all fellow human beings. Every faith insists on forgiveness and self-discipline, and advice believers not to ignore respect of fellow human beings. Treat them in the same way, as you want to be treated.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Do not judge a person by how he speaks / behaves with folks stronger to him, notice while he behaves with people weaker to him.


The fundamental of this universe is impermanence. Nothing remains the same for two consecutive moments. The Buddha implored us not just to talk about impermanence, but to use it as an instrument to help us penetrate deeply into reality and obtain liberating insight. Without impermanence life is not possible. How can we transform our suffering if things are not impermanent?
If you suffer, it is not because things are impermanent. It is because we start believing things are permanent. When a candle breaks, we do not suffer much, when an expensive watch breaks, we also don’t suffer so much. When someone close to your heart leaves, you suffer a lot, because at some corner, you must have positioned him / her as permanent to yourself. The key issue is you can cannot accept the impermanence of your beloved one, and you suffer deeply when she/ he passes away.
With impermanence, every door is open for change. Impermanence is an instrument for our liberation. Lord Krishna says “Braham Satyam Jagat Mithya” (Lord is true and this materialistic world is false)


Can we learn the art of relaxation? After a long mental and physical run, visit a place of your choice – (preferably) spiritual, sit down, let your thoughts be free, feel the miracle of nature, the dance of your breath, the rhythm of your heart, the gentle touch of the breeze, flying birds.....the epitome is in being relaxed, being at ease with oneself. Let your mind and soul be calm and feel the value of relaxation. You will feel the thoughts emerging from silence. The nature of human being “higher self” is silence, peace….while that of lower self is restlessness and unlimited ambitions (centred on yourself). Most of the time we all trust our lower self, that is full of ego, rigidity, stingy and non-cooperative attitude. Spiritual growth and true relaxation happens when we negate our lower self. Think through you must have experienced such moments, have felt yourself charged- for sure- yes. That is the moment of relaxed stage, which one should, experience and practice as a cleansing process. Once you start practicing you will notice hidden secrets of life flowing inside you. You will sense a sense of completeness. From the completeness, the completeness is born. If you remove the completeness from completeness and the completeness alone remains.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No hard feelings

Mahatma Gandhi Said, The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attaribute of the Strong. A shoulder for a shoulder and a fist for a fist is beastly conduct, whereas forgiveness for an offence is devine. Forgiveness is the attribute of the brave. I can forgive, but i cananot forget, is only another way of saying I can not forgive. For forgiveness one has to think from soul not from mind and for thinking from soul one has to practice and he can turn to be Yogi, so someone with Forgiveness attitude is for sure is Yogi.

No Hard Feelings

Mahatma Gandhi Said, The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attaribute of the Strong. A shoulder for a shoulder and a fist for a fist is beastly conduct, whereas forgiveness for an offence is devine. Forgiveness is the attribute of the brave. I can forgive, but i cananot forget, is only another way of saying I can not forgive.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Key Tips to loose your Belly Fat

Nobody in this world has died because of LESS and balanced eating habits. However most of the people are in trouble because of over eating/ having more of Junk food in your daily routine. All you need to do is to adopt a balanced life style and try some of the following tips.
1- Adopt light breathing exercise
2- Drink more water (not the carbonated one). At least 5-6 litres a day
3- If your belly size is bigger then your chest size, completely avoid red meat, coffee, iced drinks, fried stuff, cheese, butter AND everything in JUNK FOOD category
4- Maximum usage of green vegetables in your daily routine.
5- Try "Kapalbhati Yoga Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss ( Specially for belly region) for 45 days regularly for 30-45 min, this should be done early morning, preferably empty stomach. Please check the following video:

To know more about Pranayam, visit Know Yoga.

6- Also try "Anulom Vilom Pranayam" along with all the above tips

Friday, September 12, 2008

Think through

Any women can fool a man all she has to do, is make him fall in love

Have you thought...

A man can be HAPPY with any women as long as he does not love her

Role of Tongue

There are two parts in human body without any bone, if some one keeps them in control his / her life is peaceful.
Think through on the above, most of your problems, you will see are created due to the misuse of one or other or both.
Take Care..

Spritual message

I am trying to capture, everything about my experience, interests, views / thoughts, etc, I write them in this blog and hope these small piece of information become some learning experience, guide, a sort of GPS to every reader. I am trying to cpature the spritual messages that can give encouragement, +ive attitude, courage and conviction to life, to be close with the Creator of this universe. I would also like to thank to every friend who has been kind either as a reader, a critique or just a visitor. I am sure, without you all, my Blog is nothing. I would like to thank to my friends and well wishers who has supported me in every way in motivating to create this blog and put forward my scanty thoughts.
Just a thought to reader about the spiritual value of Musical harmony – Musical harmony is a most powerful conceiver. It allures the celestial influences and changes affections, intentions, gestures, notions, thoughts and dispositions. You must have read scientific research done on fish, in lake and study found that they are also delighted with musical sound, music has caused love, friendship between animals and men, amphibians and man, nature and man also. Melodious voice tame the dangerous animals like elephants, lions, snake etc…all the element themselves delight in music then why not we human beings…

Thursday, September 11, 2008


All desirable things in life are either illegal, banned, expensive, un-approachable or not existing in this world

Thought of the day - 11 September 2008

- I consider myself a scholar of many religions. The more I explore, the more curiosity, I spawn.
- Treat any religious place like a workshop, you need to for sure go there, time to time, to fix to worldly automobile for various repairs such as wheel alignments, changing oil, coloring, denting painting etc.....once you are out of Workshop ( Religious place) you will for sure find a change in performance. Mind it never stay in workshop for long.....go and come back.
- The ancient scholars /researchers studied for their own improvement. Modern researchers study to do business.
- Whatever you do, think, analyse and see, if you are not hurting anybody, go ahead and do will not repent and this will be booked in your best actions of life.

Recitation of Mantras

Chanting of mantra is to decontaminate negative elements within your body / mind/ soul. This is an excellent method of refining innerself. A mantra, in its spiritual connotation, is not an ordinary name. Mantra is a specialised combination of vibrations which are embedded into a concentrated form, so that when they are repeated, what happens is not merely the generation of an idea in the mind in the sense of any abstract notion, but a positive vibration, though it may be invisible. Mantra is one of the simplest, yet a very powerful method to achieve meditation and also help generate positive energy. Proper recitation of mantras helps generates positive waves ( flow of current). Mantra is a sound form. It is a Sanskrit word which etymologically means "by the repetition of which the mind becomes free of external experiences". The mantra should be repeated with a certain voice pattren (rhythm) and combined with proper earthing. We should exercise a similar caution in recitation of mantras also; we should sit in padmasan or sukhasan posture, and see to it that this flow is not earthed. We should not sit on the bare floor as all of the efforts during receitaion of mantras will not fetch andy results. If we sat on bare or uncovered floor, we will not derive benefits as the energy generated by mantras will be earthed and lost. Therefore, it is necessary to have an non-conducting material between the aspirant and the earth. Have you ever noticed, no matter whatever religion be it, all the religious places / temples are conically structured at the top ( Hindu Temples, Churches, Mosques, Pagodas etc...) and the sitting material is always non conducting stuff ( be it wooden chairs/ woolen rugs, blankets etc..). The key reason of conical structure at top is - the sound created during paryer either reciting through mantras or general parayer, generates +ive waves in the form of energy particles, should resides within the atomspehere, so you experience +ive wives / waves/energy. If the same is out in sky. it's again of no use, so the conical structure is designed at the top.
Simply try reciting " Om" with deep breath generated from lower of your tummy / stomach ( Mooladhar) and taking the sound up towards top of head ( Bhramrandh) and release the breath Slowly. The Name of God is Om, says Patanjali. It's is true 'Om', does not mean any kind of Hindu concept or any type of sectarian tradition. "Om / Omkar" is called, the universal substratum or the greatest common factor present in every conceivable thing, anywhere.
It is essential that Mantra meditation is practiced everyday, to fetch the best results. It may be just 15-20 minutes and regularity will help to experience results. It is preferable to set a designated time - in the morning or during dusk / then in the night/ before going to bed. Over time, you will experience the positive effect of the mantra on the subconscious through its unique calming influence in any situation.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Creation of ( Universe)



In the first chapter of Visnu Purana ( One of the Eighteen Mahāpurānas of Indian Scripture The Puranas (Sanskrit: पुराण purāna, "of ancient times" In all there are 23,000 verses in Visnu Purana), Sutji asked Saint Parashar rishi, I would like to hear about the formation / creation of this universe and also how the universe will be further created. And the most important question which Sutji asked Saint Parashar, what was the key reason of creation of this universe? Who is responsible for creation of this movable (Change is constant) universe? What is the origin of this universes and where this will lead to? Apart from this evidence of Soul, Ocean, Mountains and origin of eternal God and basis of Generations /branches of eternal of God and how all the above is created. Centuries ago, the above set of small but very complex and compounded questions were asked by Indian saints to there Guru’s. The above set of questions can be termed as simple philosophical questions based out of curiosity and the other view is that all the above questions are part of applied / quantum Physics. I am pleased to know that science / technology is today trying to solve age’s old questions which are theoretically already answered in Indian scriptures. Scientists have made the case for at least the very first elementary life coming to Earth from outer space, probably arriving frozen solid inside a meteor…we need to watch the results of big bang exercise being performed in Geneva.
“Definition of Puranas usually gives prominence to a particular deity and most use an abundance of religious and philosophical concepts”

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Experience Nature

Most of our problems have arisen because we have stopped learning from nature. Look around and observe things as if you are seeing themfor the first time. The sun provides light and warmth irrespective of who benefits from it. Clouds, rivers, mountains and forest follow the same example of universal belongigness and love. Trees provide the shade, fruits and flowers with the same unattached benevolence for all. They do not demands favours in return. The earth matures seeds into plants irrespective of who planted the seeds or who will benefit from them. This truely is like a mother's love for her children. A mother loves all her childrenand is forgiving even when some are the cause of hurt.
If one learns to appreciate nature, the world will be a much better palce to live in. Becasue through such appreciation, destructive tendencies will be overcome. Alldifference will vanish away.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Be always close to Critic, if possible meet him everyday, as he cleans you without applying any water or soap. You may waste several days, months and even years of your precious life in learning sometime small things,which cost you a lot.


Saint Kabir says - Body ( made of Panch Tatva- Five Elements), acquired Maya (Wealth) and all so called relatives and friends everything will vanish ( Finish), but the core desire and aspirations never die. One should try to be away from attachment and unending desire.
This is easier said then done (practised). But if someone starts practising the above from very beginning, one can attain some level of maturity and be away from involving himself to the core of attachment (Maya) and be really Intelligent (pious) soul.
Atleast developing this habit will give you a high degree of mental and emotional peace, if not Nirvana.

Ego ( Abhiman)

After coming to this world, leave any sort of ego ( Abhiman) and pick up the best things from this world because you never know when you will have to leave this world and you will not get the time to attain real substance for which you have actually come.
From Kabir Script ( Philosophical view)


The soul which is free from the defect of karma gets to the highest point of the universe, knows all and perceives all, and obtains the trancedental bliss everlasting.
- Tattvarthasutra 7.11

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Inner cleansing

There is no point of cleaning externally, the key effects comes if you start cleansing your innerself. Sanit Kabir says - A fish is always in water and no matter how many times you wash but still the stink never goes.


The wise man looks upon life as a mere dew drop which quivers upon the tip of a blade of kusa (grass), to be whisked off or blown away by the breeze at any moment. The life of an unwise, imprudent, and ignorant person is likewise as transient as the said dew drop.
-Acarangasutra 5.5


The best way to practice kindness is to treat everyone we meet as kin. When we are kind, we are treating one another as though we are related, connected and have no expectation in return. To be kind is to realize that every other person is just like us. Everyone wants to do well. If we have the energy of compassion and loving kindness in us, the people around us will be influenced by our way of being and living. This is also one of the key quality of influencing others and self. Many a time we act kind but this never comes in our gesture because we are not being kind from heart. It's superficial. Once you start practicing kindness from core of your heart, it will automatically flow in your gesture. Try you will for sure influence and make your life truely comfortable and relaxed at core of your heart.
An old Indian saying by Great Poet and Saint "Tulsidas" .....Daya ( Kindness) Dhrama ko mool hai. Paap Mool Abhiman.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Worship Ganapti

May we worship Lord Ganapti, the protector of Noble People, the Best Poet, the Most Honourable, the Greatest Ruler and the Treasure of all Knowledge. O Ganapti! Please listen to us and take your place in our heart.
Rig Veda 2.23.1 ( An invocation to Lord Ganapati)

Monday, September 1, 2008


Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy. We think about what we don't want and attract more of the same.
Your thoughts cause your feelings. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that brings about bad feelings means you are not on the right track. Both the feelings are equally good or bad. If good feelings emits positive energy so bad feelings transmit negative energy.
So focus on being grateful for what you have already...enjoy it!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Psychological Truth

It is a Psychological Truth that for a person, the pleasure of anticipation is more than the pleasure of realisation of a goal.
Dreams begin in the prime of one's life and their fulfilment take up a good part of one's waking life. Yet it happens that very few could claim that " they lived happily even after".
"The value of a man, however should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive".

Human Bondage

Bhagavad Gita says every human being is bound by his "own action" except when any action is perfromed for the "sake of sacrifice". Do you perform your duty free from any sort of attachment, for the sake of sacrifice alone...This is easier said then done. If you are really doing so with true of your heart beleive me you are really close to God and the proof of existence of God is the "growing peace within yourself". Don't get mislead by having multiple amenities around you, they are of no use unless you have attained inner peace. Inner peace is directly linked with own action ( Karma). To understand this in more simple language... For example - An Airconditioned Car is of no use unless your mind is Cool...still you sweat

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is Detaching so easy?

Many a time you must have read fundamental definition of a Yogi. Actually speaking, The karma yogi avoids the (-)ive charged activities also termed as activities with built in selfish desires. The Karma yogi also avoids desire of wanting and sense of attachment. In true aspect he leads a life of selfless acts, in which there is no element of any individual motive. In today's materialistic world it is extremely difficult to find such an individual ( Yogi) end of the day in any such institute where attachment is coming in picture coining such leader by Yogi term should not be fair justice.

You must have noticed lot many people offering services in order to oblige a group/ society / individual and feel so called satisfaction but actually that is thin layer of proud and by doing it, you are not only attaining negative score but also harming yourself.

Any services after "Realising Truth" may help you in actaully benefiting from the reward of services offered.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Is Happiness the goal of all the life? Is it the ultimate goal ? If yes then why we keep runing place to place,role to role, age on age and ultimately life to life in a roundabout way!

Look this around and you may find this very near. One need to do self relalization ( Atma Chintan) to seek Happiness.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lying to yourself

You must have observed at a certain juncture of life span or professional carrier one tends to be mendacious (to himself). That's the most curious stage, it may be good for you, but not so great for an enterprise( if you are working). Unless, if someone is not "So" clear about "What's in for me" will be stated in mendacious stage. Many a time a person is aware of this stage but still continues to be in..

Once you are able to notice the above...enjoy...such moments also called intellectual water churn..


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Om - Mantra

The Vedas are mantric teachings. They consist of various mantric chants or hymns cognized by different Munis or Rishis from the Cosmic Mind. They set forth Dharma or natural law, which is mantra in manifestation."

There are mantras that accomplish many kinds of wondrous deeds simply by correctly chanting them. Other mantras help purify one's consciousness, give spiritual enlightenment, and put one in touch with the Supreme. "OM" is considered to be the sound incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Lord. The Narada-pancaratra states: "When the transcendental sound vibration is practiced by a conditioned soul, the Supreme Lord is present on his tongue." The Atharva-veda and the Mandukya Upanishad both mention the importance of OM. OM is said to be the beginning, middle, and end, and is eternal, beyond all material restrictions. OM represents the wholeness of the universe and the eternal vibratory sound of Lord BRAMHA (the creator of univers) that permeates it. OM is called shabda-brahman, the sound-form of Lord BRAHMA.

Aum is the supreme symbol of God. Aum is the whole. Aum affirms. Aum is the sound which expresses all truth.

The priest begins worship with Aum. Spiritual teachers begin their lessons with Aum; and their disciples open themselves to those lessons with Aum.

Those in whom Aum resides are unified with God.
Taittiriya Upanishad 1:8

How Yoga works as a Therapy

Yoga practice consists of five key elements:
Deep Breathing, Exercise, Relaxation, Diet and Meditation. The exercises or ‘Asanas’ are designed to ease the tensed muscles, tone up internal organs, and improve the flexibility of body’s joints and ligaments.

Deep Breathing : Since most of us use only a fraction of our breathing capacity, it is necessary to use our breathing capacity thru’ nasal techniques to cleanse the lungs of stale air, unlock energy & vitality and eliminate toxins from the body.

Exercise : Proper exercise or Yoga ‘asanas’ not only increase the flexibility and strength of the body, but also keep each and every part of the body in perfect health and harmony. Regular exercise leads to a healthy body & healthy mind, and perfect equilibrium between the two.

Relaxation : Proper relaxation results in release of tension and keeps the mind and body healthy. It is necessary to begin and end each session of Yoga exercises with relaxation, and also relax between postures, in order to allow released energy to flow freely and to expel waste products from the muscles.

Diet : The recommended diet for a person during Yoga is simple wholesome natural vegetarian food, easily digestible. This keeps the body vital and healthy, the mind calm and free from restless thoughts. Processed or tinned food should be avoided.

Meditation : Meditation is a state of consciousness, in which the overactive mind is calm, and all mental energy is focused and turned inwards. This recharges the batteries by relieving stress and replenishing energy.Meditation increases physical stamina and spiritual strength, improves the power of concentration, helps you to think more clearly and positively, hence creating a great sense of inner power.

Keep It Simple And You'll Be Happy

How many gadgets modern technology has blessed us with! Yet, they only seem to add to the stress and tension of our lives. Many a time you must have seen young men and women walk down parks and green lanes with earphones completely shutting out the world of beauty around them. Keep it Sipmle! That is the mantra which can help you reduce stress and unncessary tension, which some time we create by ourself. Possessions and acquistions may seem marvellous. But after a while , you do not own them, they own you.

When our life becomes complicated with power and possessions, we move farther and farther away from the simple joys and pleasures of life.... We fail to notice the green grass and the fresh morning flowers. We don't have time even to enjoy with our family, hear birds singing and watch our little and old ones similing. Getting things may give you momentary happiness. But not being able to get them often makes you miserable. We should try to be simple sincere soul.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


One of the thought process in life is
" If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life or any act. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.

In Principle above is true...
To be successful blend the above along with logic and right steps. Else many a times confidence without content puts you in trouble.

Namah Shivaya

"Om - Na-ma-h Shi-va-ya" is the five syllable mantra that means "Salutations to Lord Shiva". When Om is chanted before it then it becomes a siz syllable mantra. The five syllables in this mantra stand for five element. Shiva is the supreme reality who is our inner self. Shiva is the name of the eternal Consciousness that resides in all.

Meaning of "Om Namah Shivaya"

Om- Ownkar ( If Chanted with deep breath helps your inner self to tune like balancing of inner wheals)

Na- Stands for Shiva's hidden Grace

Ma - Symbolises the world

Shi - Means Shiva

Va - Is revealing Grace

Ya - Represents Soul

Monday, July 28, 2008


A mans fate and a lady character is unknown to even creator of Nature ( Lord Brahma)


Trust is once created and needs to be maintained for long...once lost, it's sometime impossible to create again.

Nature Creation

One has to work hard in life either in the early years of life or post half.......if you work hard in early years of life, post years of your life is going to be easy....